• Get an estimate of your expected total legal fees in advance prior to engaging your lawyer.
  • Have you had it confirmed in writing before you decide? You should do this if the legal costs are going to be significant for you.
  • At Northside Lawyers we welcome questions about legal costs and understand that it is a matter that is most important to you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about legal costs. Use our free first interview to get all the information you need about how we can keep your legal costs down.
  • What is our hourly rate for lawyer’s work at Northside Lawyers you ask?
  • Well it is $350 per hour plus GST for lawyer’s time but we try to have our other staff do work on your file who charge at much lower rates than that – see our terms of services for details.
  • Before making any decision, we suggest you read your terms of services document (sometimes called retainer or engagement letter).
  • This sets out the basis on which a lawyer charges for his or her time.
  • It’s important that you know how you’re being charged, and the circumstances in which your fees may exceed the estimate you have been given.
  • If your lawyer won’t freely discuss his or her fees and how they charge then you should consider getting another lawyer.
  • Every lawyer should be up front about their costs and is obliged to provide you with terms of services and estimates of legal costs for the work you are seeking.